Navigating roles and permissions in construction software

Managing a construction company is crucial not only directly on the construction site. If you want to keep the project under control, allocate appropriate permissions to your team and partners.


The larger your team of specialists and the more projects you undertake, the more challenging the coordination becomes. Without the assistance of dedicated construction software, exchanging information, document flow and reporting can pose a significant challenge.

How can using an online platform make management easier? Get to know the role and permission assignment features in Batieu better.

Teamwork in your company also takes place online

Mapping the organizational structure in a cloud-based application can prevent errors that may occur in your company providing a safeguard against delays, increased costs or conflicts.

With the construction company software, you can:

  • minimize the risk of misunderstandings,
  • ensure the confidentiality of information effectively,
  • precisely identify potential threats,
  • monitor the progress of work.

Tip: Your team operates more efficiently when each person knows their role. Provide specific individuals with only the information they need for their tasks and avoid organizational chaos.

At Batieu, everything operates on straightforward principles: based on the position you hold in the company, the administrator assigns you the suitable role in the application. The responsibility of the person in charge (owner, manager or supervisor) is to assign roles to the rest of the team at the proper level. The hierarchy in the application is structured as follows:

  • Owner - Every company in Batieu must have at least one owner who can manage all modules and add other users.
  • Maintainer - Similar to the owner, this user can manage modules and users but cannot edit the owner's role.
  • Moderator - The moderator can access all modules at a level specified by the owner or manager.
  • Basic Role - Users with this access level can use a maximum of three modules (Projects, Scope of work, Work measurements).

Module access management in Batieu

As mentioned earlier, Batieu allows you to accurately reflect the responsibilities of your employees in the application. For instance, if your accountant primarily deals with invoices and financial documentation, you can tailor their permissions exclusively to that module.

This approach brings dual benefits. Firstly, your employee can focus on specific tasks, enabling them to complete them more efficiently and accurately. Secondly, you safeguard against unwanted modifications in other areas.

What other possibilities does a construction software offer? Performing certain functions in an organization requires a specific person not so much to make changes but to acquire specific data - for this scenario, Batieu has introduced the preview function. With this feature, users can conveniently review information and manage it effectively.

Exchanging information with your partner or client

What sets Batieu apart is the fact that with the application, you not only enhance the organization within your company but also intensify collaboration with partners. When communicating with your client, it's crucial to handle the information provided to them carefully, and here again, Batieu comes to the rescue - you can share with the client only the elements they need for collaboration with you.

From now on, you don't have to download attachments and send them to your client via email. The core idea of gathering all you need in a single application remains fundamental for us, which is why you can share a selected item using a secure link and decide who will manage, edit or view it. Considering every scenario, we have also developed a solution that allows you to generate a preview link for partners who do not have an account in Batieu.

Begin with a transparent organization of work

Different permissions and a practical module setup help you manage your team effectively. After all, the construction software must adapt to your needs, not the other way around.

Before deciding to implement such a solution in your organization, carefully consider who in your company will use this tool and to what extent. Without the proper structure and division of responsibilities, even the best application won't pass the test.

If you want to discover more tips on managing a construction company, don't miss our upcoming articles.

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